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diaper lover audio caught at pharmacy messing diaper

What DL hasn t had this fucking hot fantasy of going into the Walgreens, already diapered, to look for more diapers to buy & the cute female employee asks if you want help with the disposable adult diapers!? What if she realizes they re for YOU & she notices your crinkling and, heaven forbid, she sees the top of your diaper poking out of your waistband! She giggles & asks you questions about why you wear. Is it wet? she wants to diaper check you in the front? You actually need to go #2 and asks where the bathroom is & she offers to walk you there too BUT you lose bowel control right outside the door & FILL the back of your diaper with brown mess in front of this girl! she s SHOCKED and giggly about it, but not grossed out at all. She actually offers to watch you change & help you change, in the handicap bathroom. She puts both your hands on your diapers to check & feel the MESS & notice how hard you are! You start trusting into her cupped hand and quickl

  • 00:11:37
  • Apr 30, 2020
  • 72


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