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abdl loving for real size ab bottle feeding

NEW VIDEO FOR ABDL S WHO IDENTIFY WITH THE AGE GROUP. Videos made appropriately sized, like you re really really little & in that age.. just normal day to day stuff. For this FIRST video in the series:
You wake up and mommy is lying beside you, cooing, sweet talking & patting your diapered butt. She gives you your binky & gives you a cute toy to chew on as well, She puts you on her tummy & bounces you. She puts you down in the crib to change your soaked diaper & shows you some of the cute real BB diapers she s got (real vintage diapers from the 80 s the early 90 s) She picks one for you & lovingly changes you, wiping and powdering you while talking cute BB talk the entire time. She then cuddles you close to her while giving you a bottle & then teaching you a couple easy words in BB sign language! Then she puts you back onto her tummy/chest area and rubs your head and pats your diapered tushy as you fall back for a nap.
Tags : bottle, ageplay, abdl, age

  • 00:14:26
  • Apr 07, 2020
  • 107


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