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aliix kaninchen spanked and diapered treated like b.

Cute first timer girl Aliix Kaninchen gets spanked when her finds out she wet her panties on the way home from She gets dragged by her ears into the adult crib, OTK spanking on her wet white panties and diapers her despite her and protests! diaperperv explains how she s going to put her back into diapers since she keeps having panty wetting accidents which really upsets Aliix. She takes off her pissy panties, slides a soft pink diaper under her butt, wipes and lots of powder. Then she treats her just like a , putting her in the high chair and making her eat food while she whines about it. Closeup of diaper checks, hands caressing diapers & Aliix wetting her diaper. Then it s back to the very embaressing feeding and subtle humiliation & being treated like a ! there s a quick little BEHIND THE SCENES where she takes off her pissy diaper
Tags : diaper, abdl, diapers, adultbaby, diaper-punishment

  • 00:17:11
  • Jan 16, 2020
  • 274


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