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Nikki Zee and I start out in our lingerie on the bed making out. As we kiss I begin to give her face a few slaps. We kiss and I slap her tits, then I flip her over to her stomach and spank her with my hand and a riding crop. I next pull out my dick and have Nikki suck on it. She goes right at it and gags herself on my cock. I feel my dick pushing against the back of her throat. I stick my fingers in her mouth and make her gag on my fingers before having her lay on her back so I can facefuck her at the edge of the bed. I stick my rock hard cock in her mouth and down her throat. I make her gag and drool. I kiss Nikki passionately as I slap her face. I pull out some nipple clamps and put them on her then spread her legs to spank her inner thighs a little bit, then tease her pussy with my riding crop. I pull the rest of Nikki’s lingerie off and start rubbing up and down her little pink pussy. I slide my cock in her and she moans in pleasure. I proceed to fuck her hard in missionary, pullin

  • 00:19:32
  • Feb 13, 2022
  • 271


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