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pissing your pants with cheyenne jewel joi

Cheyenne Jewel likes the feeling of holding it & she keeps the conversation going while trying to hold it silently and not tell you... but she notices you need to pee too! She admits it s fun to hold it and it feels good with the building pressure. Let s play a holding game & see who can keep their pants dry longest! She squirms & gasps suddenly while leaking a bit into her panties, making a small wet spot on the back of her jeans, but manages to hold it another few mins before pissing herself completely! Her knees buckle and it s a HUGE piss waterfall splashing loudly onto the tiles & she can t stop it all! After she voids her bladder she turns around and you ve started wetting your shorts too!! Watching her pee made you have to go. Then she turns around & teases you with her pissy tight jeans til you cum, turning it into a JO encouragement. I can almost see the tinge of yellow on her soaked tight jeans....
Tags : pissing, wetting, omorashi, wetset, wetting-her-

  • 00:12:29
  • Aug 18, 2019
  • 80


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