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the haughty executive

A haughty executive dictates an erotic letter to her subservient secretary addressed to her lover. The poor secretary was called in on her way to the bathroom. She tries in vein to control herself but before the dictation in finished her bladder gives out and she douses her employers floor with a pool of steaming hot piss. Her boss is furious and at once hauls the girl up, bends her over the desk and administers a blistering spanking, during which she lectures her on her misconduct. First over her pissed drenched panties then on the bare. She smacks her cheeks to a blistered state. Miss pert and proper gets carried away with the spanking and her own horny state. Taking full advantage of the submissive beauty, she drives the girls tongue towards her wanting treasure box.. Lucy has had enough of her employer s attitude and reverses the roles in the middle of her boss s swooning. She gives her surprised executive a long and hard hand paddling in return. Her dominant attitude breaks down and she begs to be let off.

  • 00:23:02
  • Apr 23, 2007
  • 546


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