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grovel at her feet!

The Mistress is in complete control of her pet, leading the docile puppy around on a leash, down on her hands and knees. A gentle tug on her collar brings puppy s head between Lucy s smooth open thighs to lap and lick her Mistress into aroused state of mischief. She slaps and taunts her pet then ties her spread wide to the bed and teases her pussy just enough to heighten her senses. Lucy then turns her attentions to puppy s hind legs, binding her feet together. A few slaps of the whip s handle on her delicate soles is followed by a dowsing of hot molten candle wax. Puppy squirms and whimpers trying to avoid the wax cascading over her feet and toes. Soon, her Mistress removes the solid wax by beating it off with the handle of the whip eliciting more sobs from puppy. After she is roughly fed from her doggy bowl, puppy is taken for a short walk then affectionately put to rest, her head nuzzled in her Mistresses breasts...

  • 00:23:52
  • Mar 23, 2008
  • 195


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