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challenge to her core

Bambi from Hungary has accepted the challenge of a very big toy and she looks like she’s up to it with her sultry face and slinky garb. Her 5’7” 34B-23-33 figure poised on strappy red heels in a clinical-looking room appropriate to such a single-minded endeavor, she approaches the toy, which stands on a small glass table. She spreads and fingers her clam, then works the unit inside. It’s big and black and shiny, and it contrasts with the bright warm color of her pie as it stretches her lips. Taking off her corset so she is more free and agile, Bambi squats on the toy and crams it inside herself from behind. She teases her rear hole with it, but this item seems more destined for her veeg. When she’s done, her wetness is extravagant and needs a hot tongue for clean-up! Maybe yours?

  • 00:18:30
  • Mar 15, 2009
  • 201


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