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pains and pleasures

Explosive, raw, hard and hot! These two lovers push their sensation through tantalizing and creative BDSM play. Rachel is a devout submissive taking everything Joe puts her through with an excited passion. Collared and chained Joe leads his submissive into their pleasure chamber at the end of a leash. She is ready to serve Joe with an energetic tongue and full mouth. He drives his hard cock into her from both ends, accenting her ecstasy with the whip. On the rack Joe has his little damsel tied and spread. He marks her radiant globes with the whip and plunges his wide hard cock into her dripping quim. She dangles from her bonds enjoying both the pleasures of his cock and the pain of his whip. In the end he empties his swollen rod into Rachel s waiting open mouth, and she sucks him dry.

  • 00:22:16
  • Dec 25, 2009
  • 211


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