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submissive milf rewarded with grinding orgasm for being a good

Submissive milf rewarded with kink grinding orgasm for being a good Domination squirt all over my thighs as a reward After recent examples of good behavior, your dom has decided that you deserve a reward. You haven t been allowed to orgasm in weeks, and it is due time he s allowed you to enjoy the enchanted pleasure of domination. Your master stands up, leans against the wall, and directs you to walk to him. He motions you to straddle his thigh as he extends it out a bit. He allows you to start humping his thigh like the good girl in heat you are and lets you bring yourself to climax. You moan in pleasure as you rub yourself off. He instructs you to hold onto his thigh and caress it, thrusting in and out. After some time, he tells you that you better hurry up he doesn’t have all day.
Tags : ass, amateur, squirt, submissive, fetish, big-ass, orgasm, femdom, grinding, big-tits, kink, humping, big-boobs, ass-worship, role-play, dry-humping, big-orgasm, masked-man, submissive-role-playi

  • 00:10:49
  • Oct 20, 2019
  • 65


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