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fucking the pool boy

Alexa Payne was tanning at the pool when the pool boy Jay Bangher arrived to clean the pool. She asked him to rub some oil on her body. The construction noise from the neighbors was too loud and Alexa decided to give up the pool and take a shower. While she was in the shower Jay decided to take a peek through the window. Wow, she had an amazing body. Tits and ass, all a man could wish for. All of a sudden he heard her scream! She spotted him and demanded he should come inside. As a punishment for his spying he was supposed to now wash her. Poor Jay stepped fully dressed into the shower and started who soap her back, ass, tits and pussy. She demanded to see his dick. It was really big. She sucked and deep throated it. Then they fucked. They fucked in missionary, doggy, riding and all the other positions until Jay shot his sperm into her face.

  • 00:45:27
  • Apr 25, 2023
  • 436


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