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karina s tits make us her slaves!

Karina Heart returns in part 2 of her fetishy solo in thigh-thigh black boots and black leather skirt. Part 1 ran on 4/1/11, and if you recall, Karina teased us mercilessly with her tits while demonstrating her blowjob skills on a gigantic dark brown dildo, complete with realistic balls. This was a new side of Karina, a dominant mood that put her in control of our own nuts.In Part 2, she really gets down with that dildo, showing how she’d fuck a huge dick both in her pussy and between her tits. She squats on the proxy prick, then lays back on the floor and penetrates herself. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews capture all her passion as she fulfills her hot vagina. High angle views enable us to pretend that we’re standing over Karina and jacking off on her boobs while she cums on the floor. Some of the best poses show her with that humongous toy between her cleavage, and it looks so wet and slick that even without a body attached to it, you’re sure that Karina is going to make it squirt all over her breasts! At the end of the set, she returns to dominatrix mode, and waves her whip around just in case we get any funny ideas that we’re not still total slaves to her tits!!

  • 00:11:04
  • May 01, 2011
  • 339


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