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riu meets his friend ricardo, a childhood friend, one of those who plays with an agent.

Riu meets his friend Ricardo, a childhood friend, one of those who plays with an agent.
Well, Riu notices that Ricardo has grown and has the body of a man, and then he assumes that his dick has also grown, but what to do to make sure of that and of course, taste that bofe. Riu soon has an idea and decides to offer his friend some water using the excuse that it was too hot, Ricardo accepts and the two go to Riu s house, yes, that same house he GIVEN THE STEP-FATHER NEGÃO DOTADO.
While Riu went to get the water, Ricardo ends up remembering the jokes that the two played there in that room and with the help of the 40 degree heat YOUR PAU ENDED UP GETTING HARD, a little awkwardly he ends up revealing this to Riu who soon tries to pass his hand. Ricardo, who is now dating a girl and thought he had left the desire for men aside, even tries to resist, but when Riu kneels in front of him, the memories of the past come to mind and the horny spoke louder and the two end up fucking madly!

  • 00:32:18
  • Nov 12, 2022
  • 79


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