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aria and carmen in domination role play!

Well hey there! This is Carmen Croft and I want to welcome you back into my sexually charged erotic world. Come watch as I slip a little something into my girlfriend Aria s morning tea and have my way with her! The previous night we were out at at a bondage and domination party and the little slut went off with another green eyed brunette. I wanted to snack on her trimmed treasure trove all night and missed the opportunity, so I invited her over for morning tea. Unbeknown st to her I slipped a tranquilizer in there and preceded to tie her to the chair with bondage gear and enjoy my little fetish. I put a mask on her to get me back into last nights mood and started pinching, stretching and fingering her trimmed pussy. This caused her to wake up, and she was a bit frightened, so I really gave it to her and tied those big natural tits up, pinching her nipples real hard for good measure. Then I gave her more tea to knock her out and continue with my fetishes! Now that s how I like to serve my morning tea!

  • 00:18:51
  • Jul 13, 2011
  • 264


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