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frying pan to the fanny! [part 3]

It s the return of Zorah, the frying pan to the fanny babe and master humiliation dude Frank Gun! Last we left these two Zorah had an egg in her mouth and was instructed not to drop it, however she does and soon finds her pretty face all in the yolk and suckin on a sausage and two scrambled eggs!All the slappin around of this ultra cute vixen makes Frank a horny man and so he binds her hands and has her riding him reverse cowgirl in the kitchen as she moans in delight that she is finally being fucked by her master. Franks egg and waffle fin breakfast wasn t enough, so he enjoys a fine tasting of Ms. Whites bunghole, and then heats it up with sausage as he bends her over the kitchen table and fucks her hard in the ass, making her a cream pie! After a few more positions he has his beautiful slave girl jerk him off into a glass and do a toast to him. Raunchy breakfast indeed!

  • 00:17:14
  • Oct 28, 2011
  • 196


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