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utensils for punishment [part 3]

After the spanking...after the candle wax...come the ass-filling shafts! Teena Lipoldino administers the final utensils for punishment in this kinky roleplay extravaganza that depicts Danielle Maye, portraying Teena’s naughty lover who dared to flirt with a MAN, getting the discipline and correction she has brought on herself. “ want your holes filled by hard plunging shafts?” implies Teena with her firm actions. She doesn t have to actually speak the words for Danielle to know what is on her mistress s mind. “I’ll show you how to fill those hungry holes of yours!” Teena plunges a plug into Danielle’s derriere, even as she licks the ass crack to sensuously soothe the area. Danielle is learning her lesson, all right, as the inches of the plug fill her bottom! But this is only preparation for the final, most instructive act of all! Lady Lipoldino reveals a black strap-on under her skirt, to be stuffed into Danielle’s tender rosebud once the plug has accomplished its job of loosening that tight tushy chute! “Oh I’ll never flirt with anybody else, Teena!” declares Danielle, even as she secretly craves this masterful treatment by her lesbian mistress. Because maybe she WILL flirt again to bring on this delightful punishment! “You’re the only one to fuck me, Miss butt will always be yours!” And who can blame Danielle for such submission, when her goddess is the beautiful Teena Lipoldino?? “Feast on my cock, it’s the only dick you’ll ever have again!” chortles Teena after ass-fucking her slave. “You know you love to serve me, and with each lick of my strap-on you give me further proof!”

  • 00:15:42
  • Dec 20, 2011
  • 258


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