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beauty endures booty lashings!

It s a bad day for Lucy Lee. Caught in several detractions from the school rules, she arrives in the principles office for a lecture and an unexpected castigation! The question is, did Lucy bring this harsh punishment upon herself, with the pleasurable grin on her face, were thinking probably so! Principle Baylock is determined to give Lucy a lasting impression to change her bad school behavior. She must return the next day for a long and arduous punishment. The next day Lucy finds herself in a session of blistering rear end punishment with a medley of ass spanking agents to keep her on her toes, or knees depending on the form of peppering. A light slippering starts it off but the day rapidly warms up for Janice as she endures a strapping followed by a hard paddling. At the end of these sex soaked slappings, her poor backside is tender and red. After some corner time Lucy is in for the worst to come. A blistering strap kisses her swollen posterior a dozen times, which she is made to count off. Then a climactic dozen more with the cane and the poor girl is reduced to putty as her knees wobble for mercy. After promising to reform all of her behaviors she is allowed to leave and comfort herself with a nice masturbation session! Somehow, I have a feeling that this was not Lucy s first time in the punishment office, and it won t be her last!

  • 00:27:31
  • Feb 03, 2012
  • 326


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