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fucking by the dock

Borya is looking up at the blue sky as feels lonely. But he does not have to feel lonely anymore, because he meets a hot blond who does not have a boyfriend. And since all she says is yes, he takes advantage of her and asks if she likes sex. Naturally she says yes. Anyway, one thing leads to another, and next thing you know Borya has this hot chick dancing in his living all sexy and shit. She starts taking off her clothes. Borya starts taking pictures. She can’t speak English, but she speaks the language of lust. And that is all good, and dandy, and sweet like cotton candy. After a little strip tease, she masturbates, and then she gets the cock doggy, and a variety of other ways. Check it out you beef spankers!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 23, 2008
  • 239


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