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elegant mistress masturbates!

One of our favorite House of Taboo babes is back, and this time she is in a brand new dig! Check out the sexually sophisticated motions of mistress Allison as she displays her treasures to all of her would-be slaves and sub-missives. Adorned in a shiny, black leather skirt and half top, platform pumps, a cock stiffening choker around her neck, and a leather switch the brown haired vixen is ready for her servants to drop at her knees and beg for a taste of that pretty peach pie!She taunts us while she peels her majestic clothing away and then sits on her royal throne spread eagle, pouting her ruby red painted lips while giving love taps to her tight little shaven treasure. Her piercing green eyes gazing directly into our shattered souls. Since we are not there to please her, the mistress shows us exactly what we should do when we are in her presence. A big black dildo joins her and as she probes her pussy with it she bites down her lips showing us just how much she needs the tension of a pushin. Doggy style and squat hop as the black dong enjoys the fruits of this foxy lady. She stands and perches one leg up on her throne while plunging the rubber cock deep inside her tunnel of love and flicking the head of her throbbing clit with her fingers until she cums. Mmmm, to be balls and tongue deep in Allison, what a dream that would be, but without a price, we think not! What would you be willing to do for a ride inside the Mistress? Allison wants to know!

  • 00:18:13
  • Apr 09, 2012
  • 184


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