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dominated by the balls! [part 2]

Welcome to the sequel of "Dominated by the Balls" starring Mira Sunset and Totti. If you were here last week you ll remember the sweet torture Mira put her man-slave through. From spanking to tying his balls up in a noose, she really ran the gamut on him. This time we open up with Totti laying spread out on the ground blindfolded, and the beautiful Mira Sunset parading around him calculating her next move.As luck would have it for Totti, Mira seems to be in the mood for love much more so then the mood for discipline. She sucks his cock and then pops her cherry ass right onto his tongue, commanding him to lick it. Her gorgeous fishnet clad body like a piece of art bouncing up and down on his face. When Mira s had her tasty hole reamed out well and good, she pops on his pogo stick and rides it to her hearts content. Then its 69 city before jumping on again for multiple angles of anal penetration till she cums hard in her high heels. She then sucks Totti s pipe clean and hovers over him. Seems like that was a treat for her slave, but part 3 is yet to come!

  • 00:15:54
  • May 18, 2012
  • 332


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