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spank that sweet ass! [part 2]

Were back at the House of Taboo where we last left the beautiful crimson haired Paige and her very sexy and submissive playmate Carol playing their bondage games. As we return we find Carol s freshly spanked caboose peering out of the opening in her black shiny rubber outfit. Paige binds her hands in prayer position and secures them to the ceiling. Then SMACK, the spanking continues!Paige feels her girl could use a bit more stimulation then the palm of her hand and with a very sweet voice she asks Carol if she smells the candles, and if she would like to try something new. Paige then innocently brings the candle over and pours the hot wax onto Carol s perky bum, and the pain/pleasure games ignite once again. The once quiet room fills with Carol s moans of delight as the hot candle wax trickles over her taut ass cheeks. She takes that pretty well, it s time for the second phase. For being such a good slave girl Paige treats her to a real good ass fuck with a little purple dildo, working

  • 00:13:29
  • May 30, 2012
  • 211


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