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opening up the candy shop

Wandering the hood is getting more and more dangerous by the day. This week I was walking the streets with my homeboy Sean who came here from White boy town USA. He said he wanted to find a thug and get into his O-ring. It didnt take long to find one lurking in the shadows, smoking a dutch cigarette and looking around the corners for the po-po. After repeatedly asking us if we were cops he then started asking what we wanted. So then I told him that Sean wanted to get his dick sucked by a thug and threw him a price. You would think that he would turn it down or ask for an insane amount of money, not this guy he only wanted 50 dollars more than the asking about a hustler. But let me tell you this good toothed gangster really knows how to suck a dick! And when it came to taking it in the booty hole, This thug took it like a champ! Thats how we do it in the streets

  • 00:24:18
  • Aug 14, 2011
  • 155


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