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the stream of surrender

Whatever Akasha Cullen’s crime was, her unseen master clearly feels that it called for the removal of toilet privileges. And that she has to be restrained. And so, bound to a wrought iron chair by belts around her neck, wrists, and ankles, the Romanian girl sits quietly and tries in a spirit of defiance to hold back her pee, so as to not give her bondage master (to whom she has voluntarily relinquished all control) the satisfaction of seeing her surrender and soil herself with her own fluids... Making her feel even more put in a lowly place, he has situated a chicken-shaped gray plastic water wheel underneath her, so that when she starts with her golden flow (it is inevitable, even with slaves so feisty) he will be able to hear it on the monitor which connects the sounds of her punishment room with his study, where he is reading some of the classics of sadistic literature... Poor girl, pissing out of her shaved pussy as her unseen master smiles in cruel satisfaction while Akasha’s slave stream makes the wheel turn! He will tame her rebellious spirit yet! See her humiliated by her own bladder in this Full HD BDSM fetish XXX video!

  • 00:01:28
  • Oct 03, 2014
  • 183


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