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green hair girl with glasses facefucked by trans girl

I answer an ad for a house for rent but it turns out there was a typo mix-up! Nikki Zee is trying to rent her mouth! It was exactly what I was looking for but it sounds good to me. I lay on my back and Nikki takes my cock in her mouth, sucking me off and quickly getting my cock hard. I grab the back of her head and take control, fucking her face. The Nikki kneels while I stand and fuck her face, pushing her head all the way down until her lips are around the base of my cock. I grab the back of her head and fuck her face for a few more minutes before laying Nikki on her back and sliding my hard cock deep into her throat. She gags as I fuck her face, drool getting everywhere. Then we move to kneeling on the floor where Nikki sucks my dick and I fuck her mouth until I’m ready to cum. I burst all over her face, getting cum on glasses.

  • 00:14:13
  • May 28, 2022
  • 215


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