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50 shades of discipline, part 2

The BDSM continues as Layla Sin is instructed by her new master Jay Smooth in the finer points of eating nuts out of his palm like a doggie; being stripped topless and put into a metal brace that locks a collar around her neck and cuffs around her wrists; and then is brought to her knees to suck his upthrust organ as this Full HD exploration of extreme sex goes deeper into kink territory with each passing moment!
Jay takes down her skirt and panties until all shes left with are her high heels and the brace holding her hands helplessly apart. Down onto his cock goes her mouth once again, until Master Jay decides to lean her back on the couch to lick and finger her pussy before he fucks it.
How beautiful Layla looks when he shifts her onto her knees against the couch, her hands splayed apart as he bangs her pussy in doggie style, then litters her gorgeous back with his sperm! Then he has her kneel once more, this time to clean off any remaining goo from his dick.
Once hes done wi

  • 00:23:46
  • Feb 13, 2015
  • 360


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