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sadistic lady doctor binds and spanks female patient, part 1

In this hardcore XXX video of extreme sex and lesbian bondage, Misha Cross goes to DDF Genital Hospital for what she thinks is a routine checkup, but it turns out to be anything but! The Polish teen brunette finds herself at the mercy of sadistic doctor Kayla Green, as the Hungarian blonde hair medico first uses the rubber tubing of her stethoscope to subdue and bind Misha’s wrists, and then uses the exam table straps to further restrain the unsuspecting girl who lays exposed with her mini-skirt over her thighs so that her panties are revealed to the lusting gaze of the perverted physician!Off come Misha’s sneakers so that her ankles can be bound. Doctor Kayla uses her fierce red-manicured hand to give this girl a good cheek-reddening spanking, then she gets her “patient” out of her top and mini-skirt and just down to her underwear, stretching Misha on her tummy so she can pull up her maroon-colored panties into a wedgie, then pulling off Misha’s bra so that she can use that garment as a gag on the girl’s protesting lips! Finally getting Misha nude, Kayla stuffs the girl’s panties into her mouth, and forces some titty sucking while she plays with her helpless victim’s shaved pussy slit. After all this spanking, slapping, and fingering of the tattooed young girl, who knows what degradations will follow in Part 2??

  • 00:19:26
  • Jun 08, 2015
  • 322


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