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gonzo with horst baron and yoha galvez in a cave

The famous German actor, Horst Baron, macho and handsome, evokes male elegance and we have the honour of having him as a visitor in our Spanish studio. For this occasion, we have chosen a luxury partner for him! Yoha Galvez, the young and very pretty Columbian girl who lives in Catalonia, for a few months. Both met first in Budapest, but they never did work together. Now we have arranged the opportunity for an amazing encounter. We bring them to a cave and let them do what they want in front of the cameras! The mix of these two different persons, the cocktail of German and Latin results in a great sex scene, very explosive and hot. Both actors are having a great time

  • 00:27:51
  • Apr 02, 2022
  • 204


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