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This week has been a trip. I got my hands on this hottie Mercedez coming from the state of Georgia, and I am not talking about the luxury automovile, even though this honey is pure luxury, all the way. First let me tell you about that ass, WOW!!! is big and bouncy. This hottie has a big trunk and you know what I mean. it was then all about those lips, I personally enjoyed the fact that she wraped them around my cock for some well deserved sucking...those perky tits were a treat, she was showing them to me when we first meet at the courtyard, to make me aware of what was coming or should I say cuming ahead ..Also I got to fuck that tight juicy pussy, this honey really felt like her name. with comfort and power she keept herself that way... I can not believe I meet her online, it was an enjoyable ride with no regrets, just check it out.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 24, 2006
  • 91


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