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bedroom-eyed beauty

Well, here’s a nice Valentine’s Day treat for us today! New face Charley Atwell shows up in the office complete with balloons and a bosom that will make your eyes pop out! With her long brown hair cascading in seductive waves down to her shoulders, Miss Atwell looks at us over her pretty glasses even as she disrobes to unveil delectable cleavage in a pink brassiere. Sitting on the desk and posing her curvy stems on their gorgeous slingback heels, Charley gets more comfortable, revealing her big naked nips and the shaved slit in her transparent polka dot thong. Heart-shaped balloons hang in the air as this bedroom-eyed beauty looks right into our throbbing cores and pouts her lipsticked mouth in a come-hither expression. Pressing her dark-manicured fingers against her generous jugs, she is a Valentine that you can enjoy yearlong! We love the alluring little cleft in her chin, too!!

  • 00:20:10
  • Feb 13, 2014
  • 260


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