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Goodnight! Did the lights just go dim? Did you feel your life flash by you and see the light at the end of the tunnel.....pulsating and pulling you deeper into its core? No, you didn t just die and end up in heaven, and yes, that is Zafira and Kira Queen together in a Cabana, on a rooftop, creating erotic art from another planet right before your very eyes!Brunette stunner Zafira and busty hottie Kira Queen, two of the most popular babes on DDF Network explore each others bodies just for you in front of our cameras in sizzling 4k, wearing gorgeous crotchless pantyhose, pulling out all the lesbian foreplay you ve ever dreamed of, licking each others juicy wanting pussies, fucking each other with dildos, AND throwing in some tasty foot worship for good measure.It s time to kick back and enjoy this feast for the eyes as the girls cum uncontrollably and enjoy fantastic orgasms on a sunny rooftop in Budapest, just for you! Horny milfs in high heels. What a 4K porn adventure.

  • 00:27:51
  • Jun 18, 2018
  • 505


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