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lesbian toe obsession

Welcome to our brand new Hot Legs & Feet episode by DDF Network. Today’s foot fetish premium porn movie and nude pics series are packed with delicious 4K close-up shots of the delicious tootsies of Ani Blackfox and Sarah Sultry who can’t wait to get down on each other. Both get pretty flirty on the balcony and soon end up in the living room where the two brunette lesbians look into each other’s gorgeous eyes while licking their foot soles.Watch Ani Blackfox suck on Sarah Sultry’s tasty toes while fingering her clam and rubbing her clit. The two foot-fetish lovers start playing with a sex toy, cramming their twats with that vibrator while pinching their hard nipples. The Ukrainian goddess Sarah Sultry is a light-skinned curvy milf with small natural tits. She enjoys her hot playmate’s delicious feet in her mouth and can’t get enough of those nylon stockings.Both long-haired beauties stuff their cunnies and play with their titties while stroking gently along their endless legs. Some foot sucking moments later, the two sexy sapphic lovers come to their climaxes. Join them for some tasty toe fetish!

  • 00:34:16
  • May 21, 2018
  • 360


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