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pleased to greet you

Newcomer Cherry Blush is a heart-pounding addition to our fantastic roster of talent and she looks like her eyes are saying, “Pleased to greet you, guys!” See what we mean as this lovely from the United Kingdom poses for us outdoors in a blue plaid shirt and, happily, nothing more than her heels and her turquoise bra and panty set! Cherry’s got some dynamite cleavage which she showcases for us by pushing her upper arms together until we can see a round and almost overflowing bounty of breast flesh in the delicately lacy but firmly supported cups. Cherry takes off her shirt and we get sensual pinup poses that also spotlight her curvaceous gams on white slingbacks. Looming over our camera lens once she gets her bra off, Miss Blush shows off her firm gorgeous globes, squeezing her nipples with her coral-polished fingertips. Then she slides down her scanties so that she can give us a full quim show, parting her petals wide so we can imagine going in for a long lick while reaching up to play with her beauteous bells. Welcome to The Very Breast Around, Cherry. You belong here!!

  • 00:23:19
  • Sep 25, 2014
  • 301


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