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agent sisters - overtaken by the escaped bank robber - fetish movie

By John. Made by request

One hour fetish clip with a storyline, tight on-screen bondage, tape/ball gagging, dirty feet and lots of toe tying.

Outfit of the heroines:
Alevtina: tight jeans, short top, already barefoot
Olesya: black catsuit, already barefoot

Alevtina is hunting a bank robber. With all the inquiries she found his hideout. She believes that she can catch him with her step-sister and even find the missing money. She enters the room, as a precaution, she took off her heels to sneak around. She sees a briefcase on the bed. Interesting! She puts her stuff on the bed and calls her step-sister Olesya: Hello Olesya, I got hi, come fast! She gives her the direction but then a masked man grabs her from behind and puts his hand over her mouth. Hello Alevtina, what’s wrong?!

Alevtina sits on the bed, already hands and tied legs. He puts few stripes of tape over her mouth, breast-ropes her, pushes her on the bed ties her dirty feet, hogties h

  • 01:04:20
  • Apr 20, 2023
  • 2111


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