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big tit college student sami parker fucks during her break - real girls fuck

Big tit Sami Parker is the hottest girl in my school. She has the biggest boobs that pop right through any shirt she wears. To add on, her eyes and pretty little smile has always made the guys lose it over her. We all knew she was secretly a slut but nobody ever complained. We’ve only talked once or twice but I could never take my eyes off her. One day our shoulders brushed up against each other in the hallway and she asked if I wanted to get out of here. Of course I said yes. She invited me over to her place and she told me how badly she wanted to get fucked. Everything finally came together but at the same time I couldn’t not think about anything other than stretching her out. She went down on my like a pro, spitting all over my cock, and being the best little student you could imagine.

  • 00:45:24
  • Apr 10, 2023
  • 61


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