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head coach and football player dp his hot brunette wife - ciren verde

doing really bad in school and if my grades didn’t get better I wouldn’t be playing for team. My football coach invited me over so his wife could give me lessons for my health class. All I knew was that she had a PHD in some science degree. I couldn’t say no and I really wanted to pass the class. I came over to his place one day after school. He sat me down and told me his wife would be in soon. She came in wearing the sluttiest school uniform you could ever imagine and explained how she specialized in Sex education. She got extremely close and began kissing me, I couldn’t say anything and I didn’t know what to say. I was automatically turned on, nervous, and hard. She told me to be quiet and pulled my cock out. My coach came in soon after and pulled his dick out. As we both took turns getting our dicks sucked, we used her holes too. She let me use her tight little asshole while he pounded her pussy. Later, he left the room, and left me to finish the job and cum all over her ass.

  • 00:33:46
  • Apr 09, 2023
  • 390


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