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squirting tattoo artist kenzy kaye knows how to make a mess - real girls fuck

My tattoo artist, Kenzy Kaye, came out to visit me after she hadn’t seen me for a year. She was so keen to know how exactly I got into porn since she started doing it shortly after. She finally told me why she gave me discounts, she always wanted to fuck me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I figured she was nasty but I didn’t know how nasty she was. She told me how badly she wanted to squirt all over me and show me what she was made of. I would never back down from a challenge. She started stripping down one by one, showing off her tight little wet holes, and fat ass. I couldn’t believe my eyes, especially when she started playing with herself and telling me how badly she wanted to take my cock. She started out by wrapping her lips around my cock, stroking it, and shoving it down the back of her throat. Next, she bent over and invited me to stretch out her tight wet pussy. Lastly, I fucked her in missionary until she soaked the bed in squirt.

  • 00:32:28
  • Apr 07, 2023
  • 48


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