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daddy roleplay - anal for shopping money

I want to go shopping with my friend, but I don t have any money. Maybe Daddy can help me? He is watching TV on the sofa. Daddy can’t resist when I am super cute, so I cuddle up to him and beg him to help me. He said I have to help him first!

One thing leads to another; before I know it, his cock is in my mouth. It is so big and hard! I sucked his cock for a long time, first on the sofa, then on my knees with him standing. Then, I push him back onto the sofa and pull off my panties. His cock slides straight into my ass when I sit down on it in reverse cowgirl style. I even spin around for regular cowgirl, too, because it’s my favorite position.

Now I’m feeling naughty and begging for more cock. Daddy allows me to suck it again. Back to more cowgirl, this time deeper and harder. Next, we change to doggy style so Daddy can be in control. You can see my gape when he pulls out. Finally, the missionary anal position ended with a big cumshot on my stomach and legs. I dip my fin

  • 00:25:22
  • Jan 02, 2022
  • 132


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