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mother’s day group sex with my step mom & her hot friends - families fantasies

ht it was just going to be a celebration and dinner like we did every year. However, the night started with them in bikini’s and their tits popping out. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them and it was obviously noticeable. Immediately, I was rock hard and I couldn’t hide it. Thankfully, I was already in for a good night. We all went out to the hot tub and they started stripping down, I was shocked. I never seen so many tits in the same place especially with people of that age. Oh my god, my step mom looked amazing and I could already imagine being balls deep inside her tight wet pussy. First, my step mom put my cock deep down her throat and spit all over while the other four got to it. Her friend then came on over to me and started slobbering on my cock. Her tits were huge, the biggest I’ve ever seen, and I had to fuck them. I end up bending her over in front of my step mom and fucking her hard. After several different positions, my step mom lays back and takes my cum all over her face.

  • 00:17:56
  • Apr 04, 2023
  • 686


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