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extreme tied up indian teen facefuck

Zoody is back! And holy crap this little Indian hoe is ready to take her facefucking skills up a notch. Of course, you know i m the best guy to train this slut. But here s the thing, Zoody is a little scared too, so she asks me to tie her up. It s the only way for her to stop moving and just take a rough facefucking the way I want to give it. Zoody spits up tons of liquid making it sooo fucking wet & nasty. Zoody spits all over the places as I shove my entire cock into her throat, she cant to move away - she can only lay there and keep her throat open the best she can. The video starts off showing Zoody tied up, then I start facefucking her from the side view. I change angles to get a better view of her face while I shove my cock into her throat relentlessly. I can t hold it any longer and use her face until I cum all over it. Then, you see the POV parts, so hot watching her gag and spit everywhere.

  • 00:21:36
  • Feb 21, 2023
  • 27649


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