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jade janzten discovers your diaper secrets and likes it!

Jade Janzten discovers your diaper secrets and likes it!
Your new GF Jade comes into your apt when you accidentally left the door open and you fell resting on the couch... while wearing your PAMPERS! She doesn t know your secret and you hadn t planned on telling her but you wake up when she sits down beside you. You quickly wrap your blanket around you but she sees your suspicious behavior and quickly whips the blanket off to show your DlAPERS! She s surprised and has a lot of questions of course. You even have your diaper bag beside the couch so she starts pulling stuff out of it. She thinks a lot of it is cute & the diapers are adorable. She puts your onsie on you & finds your bottle. SHe naturally goes into the maternal role & gives you your bottle. SHe sniffs and diaper checks you & it s a wet soaked diaper! You tell her you like how it feels when she offers you a diaper change. You re SO HARD under your wet diaper and starts rubbing yourself. She even wants to h

  • 00:20:19
  • Jan 26, 2023
  • 158


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