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astrid hogtied for viewing pleasure

By request
This is a long custom clip where gorgeous 18-year-old Astrid is hogtied. Hogtie is strict, tight and inescapable. Knots out of reach.
Astrid wears a tight top, short skirt, and nice opaque pantyhose.
The clip begins when she s already hogtied on the table.
I explain to her that she is tied up and humiliated and put on display for a customer. The customer likes to look down at women while he enjoys himself. So the model to should thank the customer for this opportunity.
Then Astrid gets gagged tightly with the largest ballgag we have.
Then after about 15 mins, she gets gagged tightly with a ring gag for the remaining time.
She moans and looks at the camera. She drools a lot through the ball gag. Young Astrid lies obediently on the table till the end of the clip. Enjoy!

  • 00:33:28
  • Apr 02, 2023
  • 693


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