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pool party pitstop

Today, we caught up with Donovan Cox, using Serna Santos as the bait. He was walking to a pool party when we made him an offer: Serna’s body in exchange for some fun. Donovan wasn’t initially in the mood, but when we brought up the money, his interest piqued. We offered him a thousand dollars for the experience with Serna. He hesitated at first but eventually agreed and got into the van. Then, we hit him with a twist: we actually wanted to see him with Andy instead. Donovan handled the news calmly, immediately making it clear he wasn’t into guys. I raised the offer to five thousand dollars, but he still stood firm. So, made him the ultimate —ten thousand. That’s when he gave it more thought. I told him if he let Andy go down on him, and didn’t get hard, he could keep the ten grand. But if he did… well, you know how it goes. Thinking he nothing would happen, Donovan agreed. Andy didn’t waste any time, and sure enough, Donovan got hard. Sticking to his word, Donovan ended up with Andy li

  • 00:41:15
  • Sep 25, 2024
  • 61


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