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cumming clean with step daughter

Peter is relaxing in the tub, when his step daughter Lucy barges in on him. She is very much in a hurry and convinces him if they share the tub, he can help wash her and it would make things actually quicker. Peter is scared out of his mind about her mother finding out, but she lets him know it will be their secret, and it will make them closer like her mom wants. Only thing is little Peter burst out of the water like a shark, and hard as marble. Lucy can’t believe the thickness and weight of it. Lucy tells Peter it is no way she is not going to put it her mouth, and when he married into this family this is what he signed up for. He fucks her in the tub, but that was not going to be enough room to get all the sexual frustration out the two of them had been holding in; so they take it to the bed. Were they fuck like they are the newlyweds, until Peter cums all over her face. Lucy knows for sure her mom doesn’t fuck him like that, and Peter can’t help but agree.

  • 00:37:30
  • Oct 21, 2024
  • 528

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