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cute and tiny teen sage fox creampied during picnic

My hot teenage friend, Sage Fox, and I went to the park to have a picnic one day. She was wearing the cutest little outfit and I’ve always had a crush on her. I always noticed how perky her tits are and how tiny she is in comparison to me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and she was definitely staring at me. As the tension built up, I could tell she got nervous too, I mean we could get caught. I laid her back in my arms to make her less nervous and that’s when we started kissing. We looked around and she asked if she could suck my cock which she did. I wasn’t complaining and the thrill made it even hotter. We could get caught any second. She pulled my cock out of her mouth, put it inside her tight wet pussy, and rode it. She rode me with her perfect ass while her pussy lips gripped my dick. I finally flipped her over, fucked her rough, until I filled her pussy with my cum.

  • 00:37:29
  • Mar 24, 2023
  • 174


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