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filthy shower fuck with newbie sissy moore

My girl Sissy is fine as fuck. Watching her strip down & get all shiny & clean in the shower gets me going. I get in there with her and start slow to get her in the mood, kissing her and touching on her pussy. She drops to her knees and takes me in her mouth like a good little whore. I fuck Sissy from behind, she moans as my thick dick stretches her out. I take her to the bedroom so she can ride me and she bounces her shaved cunt all over my fat cock. I rail that little slut hard to orgasm, her hot tan lines get me going. When I m ready to bust she drops to her knees and lets me unload in her mouth and on her face. That s how you wash up, boys!

  • 00:27:16
  • Apr 09, 2023
  • 255


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