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intense & passionate fun w/harley haze

I met Harley a couple of months ago at an adult convention and we chatted for a while. In addition to being effortless on the eyes, I soon learned what a chill and soulful woman she is. It is always refreshing to meet someone in any field of entertainment, let alone in adult who is sexy AND genuine. She ain t bad in bed either lol. She came over smelling amazing and wearing sexy leather boots to match her outfit. Stripping down to gold lingerie didn t hurt either ;) I have a thing for women who take good care of themselves and those who do yoga are always flexible and agile in bed. I had a blast moving her into different favorite and innovative positions so there s that. I am always more tired after sex with more petite women as I go way harder and after dropping a huge load all over her hot body, I realized she made me wet with how much I was sweating from this sexual workout haha.

  • 00:29:42
  • Mar 22, 2023
  • 472


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