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bts: 1st threesome fantasy fulfilled featuring serena hill with james angel and jimmy michaels

Behind The Scenes of 1st Threesome Fantasy Fulfilled featuring Serena Hill with James Angel & Jimmy Michaels from 2023-03-31 ~ Enjoy!
Mississippi newbie Serena Hill makes her Hussie Pass debut today, and she wanted to participate in her 1st ever BBG threesome, so we brought in James Angel & Jimmy Michaels for this unique update. The scene initiates with director Johnny Robins leading the interview portion of the program, followed by Serena allowing us to watch her get naked and warm up her very meaty vag, 1st with her fingers and then with a pink vibrator. James & Jimmy proceed to lube up the spinner s tanlined tits & cute little ass, which she kinda twerks for us. Serena then gets on her knees for the contractually obligated ♫♪ Row Row Row Your Boat ♪♫ double blowjob that is required in all BBG/MMF scenes (Google it!). After that, it s just a ball of flesh with James on one side, Jimmy on the other, and Serena sucking dick or ea

  • 00:33:28
  • Mar 31, 2023
  • 372


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