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harmoni kalifornia cuckolds pip with jonathan jordan

I was in the mood to be naughty. Pip and I were in Dallas for business. Jonathan Jordan called me and asked if I was free for the evening. I really wanted to fuck Jonathan’s big black dick, he is one of my favorite men in the business. Unfortunately, I wasn’t free because I had my cuckold, but Jonathan told be to bring him and make him watch.
That sounded like a fine idea. I dressed in something slutty and made Pip drive me to Jonathan’s hotel. Once in the room we put him in the “Cuck” chair in the corner and then I got on my knees and took out Jonathan’s wonderful cock and put it in my mouth. It tasted so good as it got hard in my mouth! I admit, I lost myself in this scene, black dick crazy is a great description. I completely forgot about my cuckold because I was enjoying Jonathan so much. He fucked me in so many positions finally cumming in and on my stretched-out pussy.
What is a Queen of Spades supposed to do with all that cum? Easy, call the cuck over to clean it all up. That is exactly what Pip did, clean up every drop and Jonathan and I watched. What a good cuck, what an amazing fuck!

Tags. Queen of Spades, Cuckolding

  • 00:32:18
  • Apr 01, 2023
  • 754


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