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shaundam the high spy meets infamous queen of spades harmoni kalifornia

Shaundam stars as the High Spy. A globe-trotting secret agent with a big gun and a bigger dick falls prey to the Queen of Spades Harmoni Kalifornia. He was warned in advance that the Queen was known for ensnaring and turning agents with her skills in the bedroom. Shaundam, the High Spy was sent to investigate Harmoni and it wasn’t long before he found out just what her secret is. After sharing a cocktail, Harmoni secures our hero to the bed and waits for him to wake up. Then she interrogates him using her mouth and ultimately her pussy to make him talk. Do her methods work, or does our hero escape and turn the tables? Click and enjoy High Spy and the Queen of Spades.

Tags. Queen of Spades

  • 00:22:46
  • Apr 01, 2023
  • 238


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