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petite princess kira in leather legging ignore face sitting and footdom femdom

Petite Mistress Kira has not used her submissive boyfriend as bedding (human furniture) for a long time. So now, when she wanted to play a game on her smartphone and talk to her friend on the phone, she took her slave and ordered him to lie on the sofa, and she sat on his face. Kira is wearing leather leggings that practically do not allow the slave to e, given that the little Mistress sits on the face of the slave with full weight and ignores the fact that the slave wriggles under her ass. For Mistress Kira, her video game is more important than the fact that the slave has a hard time during the facesitting in leather pants. This is femdom and ignoring facesitting. Then the Mistress stands on the dirty floor and soils her bare feet, and after that puts them on the face of the slave and orders him to kiss her dirty feet. And at the end, Kira made a series of powerful blows with her bare foot in the face of a slave.

  • 00:07:25
  • Mar 18, 2023
  • 292


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